Does It Freak You Out When Strangers Touch Your Baby Bump?

Posted by still alone

Maybe that's just how Ali Landry smiles, but it looks to me like she's thinking, "I wish this woman would get her hands off my stomach."

And you know what? If that is what she's thinking, I can't say that I blame her. Although the intent is generally nothing negative, you have to admit: it is weird to just have people rubbing all over your pregnant belly.

I've heard tons of expectant moms complain about this. One of my old bosses put it best: "It's not okay to go around groping a woman's breasts if they look particularly large one day, so why do people feel it's okay with a pregnant stomach?" Good question, right? In any other circumstances, it would be beyond invasive to rub all over someone's stomach. So why is it all hands on deck when there's a baby in there?

As much as it weirded me out when I was pregnant, I have to admit I've given a few of my pregnant friends the rub down. Of course, I always ask first, but there is just something so amazing about a woman carrying a child. And as a mother, I sometimes I feel like resting my hands on a friend's pregnant belly is a special way of bestowing good vibes and energy on mother and child.

What about you? Does it bother you when people touch your pregnant stomach or do you take it as a gesture of affection? Have you ever touched someone else's baby bump? Share your thoughts in the comments.

And while we have you, what do you think of these crazy baby shower cakes? Trust me, they're so bad they should be banned!